Energy is Currency

Two years ago, I started treating my energy like currency. I had to be careful about who and what I was spending it on, because I couldn't afford to keep running on empty. It would take every ounce of my energy to do the simple things. If I managed to force myself to be social, I would then need to hide away on the days following to recover. When I was out and about, I would have about an hour or so where I could show up as my “better” self, until I would hit a wall that felt impossible to push past. While others kept their energy high, I felt unable to continue and would retreat further into my mind.

My pysch introduced me to the concept of "time-outs" to help recharge my energy. Just like the kind that kids get... A time-out can give you space to check in with yourself, to be still and breathe. It gives you space to rest so you can show up again, refreshed and feeling a little bit more prepared to tackle the world. Your battery levels slowly increase each time you take yourself away from what is draining you and give yourself permission to rest. I began to take "time-out" in social situations, excusing myself to the bathroom for longer than usual, just so I could recharge. This worked wonders for me and nobody every questioned why I’d take longer in the bathroom than usual.

So if you feel like you haven't got much to give, treat your energy like currency. Try save up as much as you can so you can spend it wisely when the time comes. Schedule in alone time. Don’t be afraid of taking a time-out if you’re feeling exhausted. Be careful where you spend your energy. If something is draining yours, try and be mindful of it. Perhaps your energy is best spent somewhere else.

We are all so quick to act and run for the charger when our phones are about to die, so we should afford ourselves that same respect. If your own batteries are running low, check in with yourself, be kind and give yourself time to recharge 🤍
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